Monday, January 10, 2011

"Tomorrow’s never promised, but it is we swear. Think we holding our own, just a fist full of air. God has never been obligated to give us life. If we fight for our rights, we be in hell tonight. Mere sinners own nothing but a fierce hand. We never loved him we pushed away his pierced hands. I rejected his love, grace, kindness, and mercy. Dying of thirst, yet, willing to die thirsty. Eternally worthy, how could I live for less? Patiently you turn my heart away from selfishness. I volunteer for your sanctifying surgery. I know the spirits purging me of everything that’s hurting me. Remove the veil from my darkened eyes. So now every morning I open your word and see the Son rise. I hope in nothin, boast in nothin, only in your suffering. I live to show your glory, dying to tell your story."
