Friday, May 28, 2010

Music Videos

Here are some very cool skits/music videos!

This one (Set Me Free) was done at my church (this is actually them doing it.My brother is the main person in it.)


25 Things to Know About Me

Here are twenty-five things to know about me! Hopes and dreams, fears, and then the other little things I want you to know.

1. I really really want a Facebook but I'm not old enough to get one.

2. I am scared of clowns. (It sounds silly, especially since my uncle is a Shriners clown.)

3. I really really really want to be an author!

4. I really want be people to read my blog!

5. I love photography.

6. I am a right brain. (Very few people are blessed that way, I don't know if really organized people see it as a blessing!)

7. One of my favorite places to eat is Sunny Skies!

8. Some of my favorite places to shop are Barnes & Noble, Build-A-Bear Workshop, LifeWay, and Christian Book Distributers.

9. I am a Christian.

10. My favorite author is L.B. Graham (I think he is at least, he wrote my favorite series.)

11. I love hats and scarves!

12. I am a romantic.

13. I come from a big family.

14. I am homeschooled.

15. I love UNC!

16. I love to learn quotes and weird facts (I made an email with just quotes).

17. C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. (Yes, I have more than one favorite author.)

18. This year will be my third year doing Bible Drill.

19. I am writing several books.

20. I love the book 'Do Hard Things' by Alex and Brett Harris. You can check out their website at

21. I am tall.

22. I love to daydream.

23. I would like it if you would ask questions so that it would prompt me to post.

24. I really want to be an actress when I grow up.

25. I really want people to post comments.